8MM & 16 MM FILM
Retro Scan Universal MARK 1
A Professional Machine
It's scanning 15 Frame by Frame
             ONLY .30 A FOOT       

I'm always the best at processing your
 film to a Premium look at a BUDGET Price
I go way beyond all the other companies.
I make your film the Quality of image 
I want for myself. 
If I'm not happy with the result,
 you wouldn't be either.
Don't trust anyone to save your 
Precious Memories but me.

Below is a typical example of what 
I'm capable of producing from your
film. I take great pride in my work.
Why, Because your memories are as
Special to me as they are to you.

You never pay for any more footage than there
is on each reel, no matter the size.
My machine keeps track of each foot run.
You never get over charged here, Never
After each reel is run, I keep notes of each
reel, the contents & the number of feet and 
the length of time. 
You get a complete description.
Many companies don't. Them say 
"Here's your file"
I'm the only one that does your work. 
No one else touches it.
This assures that you get one person that
talk to you and is responsible for 
creating your complete project.